Current Research Interests            

         Combustion Generated Nanoparticles (Vehicle Emissions, Ship Emissions, Airplane Emissions, Stack Emissions, Physical and Chemical Characterization of Combustion Generated Gas & Particle Emissions, Emissions from Biomass Combustion, Influence of Alternative Fuels & Additives on Emissions, Particle Formation during Combustion Process, Development of Very Low PM Mass Measurement Technology, Real Driving Emissions, and Kinetics of Reacting Particle)

         Fundamentals of Aerosol Science (Diffusion Charging, Aerosol Active Surface Area, and Development and Characterization of Aerosol Instruments/Sensors)

         Air Pollution & Air Quality (Indoor, Outdoor and Atmospheric Air Quality Studies, Mobile Monitoring System, Air Pollution Monitoring for Communities, Metrics for Ambient Monitoring, Fate and Transformation of Combustion Generated Nanoparticles, and Vehicle Cabin Air Quality)



         1999 - 2003:  Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, University of Minnesota

         1991 - 1993:  M.S., Mechanical Engineering, Seoul National University

         1987 - 1991:  B.S., Mechanical Engineering, Seoul National University


Work Experience

         2006 - present: Assistant Professor; Associate Professor; Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering & CE-CERT (College of Engineering-Center for Environmental Research & Technology), University of California, Riverside

         2003 - 2006:  Post Graduate Researcher,  1) Atmospheric Science Program, Dept. of Land, Air & Water Resources, 2) Dept. of Mechanical & Aeronautical Engineering, University of California, Davis

         1993 - 1998:  Project Research Engineer, Central Research Center, Hyundai Motors


Invention Disclosure (in USA)

         H. Jung, D. B. Kittelson, Electrostatic Precipitator Enhanced by Fuel Borne Metal Catalysts, October 2003

         H. Jung, System for Automatic Control of Cabin Air Recirculation, January 2011

         H. Jung, M. Barth, A Novel Methodology for Generating Real-Time Air Quality Maps, June 2016


Provisional Patent Application (in USA)

         H. Jung, Z. Zheng, H. Vu, P. Stovall, G. Aguilar, Burner for Flame Spray Pyrolysis, U.S. Patent application serial No. 61/172,913


Patents (in Korea)


         H. Jung, A technique to detect charge leak using a piezoelectric pressure sensor, registered date 01-04-2001, registration No. 1002854790000


         H. Jung, A method and a device to control the creeping mode in automatic transmission vehicles, registered date 01-26-1999, registration No. 1001915780000


         H. Jung, Engine cylinder with a gas leak detection system from combustion chamber, registered date 08-09-1999, registration No. 1002281010000


         H. Jung, A technique to measure coolant flow rate in an engine installed in a vehicle, registered date 06-22-1999, registration No. 1002204630000


         H. Jung, An apparatus to measure lube oil aeration rate, registered date 06-03-1999, registration No. 1002171090000


         H. Jung, Radiation cap for effective deaeration, registered date 12-08-1998, registration No. 2001388240000


         H. Jung, Thermostat to prevent the overheating of an engine cooling system in the case of thermostat failure, registered date 09-05-1998, registration No. 2001307080000


         H. Jung, Thermostat and thermostat housing to better sense engine coolant temperature, registered date 10-01-1997, registration No. 2001106990000


Awards and Honors


         Teetor award, 2012

         E2T award (as a leader of the team), 2020

         SAE Fellow, 2022


         Program Director, Mobility Engineering Master's Program, 2022-present

         Faculty Advisor, EcoCAR Challenge, Propulsion, Controls, and Modeling Team, 2022-2023

         Guest Editor, Special Issue, Emission Control Science and Technology, 2022-2023

         Editorial Board Member, Emission Control Science and Technology, 2021-present

         Associate Editor, Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 2020-2021

         Guest Editor, Special Issue, SAE International Journal of Commercial Vehicles, 2020-2022

         Guest Editor, Special Issue, Science of the Total Environment, 2019-2020

         Editorial Board Member, Toxics, 2019-present

         Lead Organizer and Chair, Fine Particulate Matter Forum at US-Korea Conference on Science, Technology and Entrepreneurship (UKC 2017), 2017

         Organizing Committee Member, EPA Workshop on Ultrafine Particles, 2015

         Lead Organizer and Host, Western States Section Combustion Institute (WSSCI) Fall Meeting, 2011

         Board Member, Western States Section Combustion Institute (WSSCI), 2009-2017