


Biotechnology Progress: Editor-in Chief, 1988-present;

Biosensors and Bioelectronics: Editorial Board, 1986‑present

Journal of Biomaterials Science: Editorial Board, 1988-1992

Biotechnology and Bioengineering: Editorial Board, 1970‑1990

Chair NIH Special Study Section on Point of Care Technologies, 2007

NIH Biomaterials and Biointerfaces Study Section, 2003 - 2005

NIH National Advisory Council for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Ad Hoc Member, 2005

NRC Board of Life Sciences – Reviewer for reports, 2004, 2005

Chairman, Panel to Review International Biosensing Research Trends; Sponsors: NIH, NSF, 2002-

Institute of Medicine, Comm on Response to Chemical and Biological Terrorism Incidents, 1997-9

National Research Council, Vice Chairman, Committee on Chemical and Biological Defense, 1995-8

American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering, President, 1995

American Chemical Society, Biochemical Technology Division: Chairman, 1974‑1975

Amer. Inst. Chem. Eng., Food, Pharmaceutical and Bioengineering Division: Chairman, l969‑1970

NIH Surgery and Bioengineering Study Section, 1984‑1988

Gordon Conference on Synthetic Membranes, Chairman 1988

NSF Ad-Hoc Committee: Structuring a Professional Society for Bioengineering, 1989-1990