Where nano-light meets with nano-materials...

Research Interests:

2D Material Optoelectronics 2D materials have remarkable electrical and optical properties. By integrating graphene with convientional silicon photonics, we have demonstrated the first graphene optical modulator. We are working on the next generation of 2D optoelectronic devices which have merits including deep sub-wavelength device size, low energy consumption, broad spectral bandwidth and high operation speed.


Plasmonics Surface plasmon polaritons -- electromagnetic excitations at metal-dielectric interface -- provides a novel way to concentrate light to enhance light-matter interactions. We have designed the first nanoscale plasmonic actuator which generates large mechanical torque by changing the angular momentum of the incident light. More introduction can be found in wiki. Currently we are working on using plasmonics to study the light-matter interaction for new optoelectronic devices and lithography concept.


Gas-phase Electrochemistry Electrochemistry studies the chemical reactions which take place at the interface of an electrode and the electrolyte. It is a powerful characterization tool and an important branch of physical chemistry but has been limited to solution-phase reactions only since it requires the high electric field formed by the ionic double layer existing at the electrode surface. We design an electric device to extend electrochemistry into gas-phase reactions.