Journal of Porous Media

Volume 19, Number 1






CFD Simulation of Forced Convective Heat Transfer by Tetrakaidecahedron Model in Metal Foams

M. Zafari, M. Panjepour, M. Meratian, & M.D. Emami


Effects of Hall Current on Unsteady MHD Convective Couette Flow of Heat Absorbing Fluid due to Accelerated Movement of One of the Plates of the Channel in a Porous Medium

G.S. Seth, R. Sharma, & B. Kumbhakar


The Onset of Double-Diffusive Nanofluid Convection in a Rotating Porous Medium Layer with Thermal Conductivity and Viscosity Variation: A Revised Model

D. Yadav, D. Lee, H.H. Cho, & J. Lee


Effect of Viscous Dissipation on MHD Mixed Convective Flow over a Vertical Wedge Embedded in a Porous Medium with Nonuniform Slot Suction or Injection

M. Ganapathirao, R. Ravindran, & N. Samyuktha


Effect of an Inserted Porous Layer into a Channel on Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop

O. Cekmer, M. Mobedi, B. Ozerdem, & I. Pop


Behavioral Study of Unsteady Squeezing Flow through Porous Medium

M. Qayyum & H. Khan