Journal of Porous Media

Volume 3, Number 2

Gas-Liquid Countercurrent Flows Through Packed Towers
Shijie Liu and Jun Long

Diffusion-Controlled Catalytic Reaction on a Monolithic Catalytic Converter
A. Nakayama and F. Kuwahara

On the Transition Between Aiding and Opposing Double Diffusive Flows in a Vertical Porous Matrix
A. Amahmid, M. Hasnaoui, M. Mamou, and P. Vasseur

Application of the UNIFAES Discretization Scheme to Mixed Convection in a Porous Layer with a Cavity, Using the Darcy Model
Jorge Llagostera and José R. Figueiredo

Simultaneous Heat and Mass Transfer by Natural Convection from a Cone and a Wedge in Porous Media
Ali. J. Chamkha, Abdul-Rahim A. Khaled, and Osamah al-Hawaj

Transient Natural Convection in Differently Heated Porous Enclosures
A.A. Merrikh and A.A. Mohamad

Technical Note: Nonsimilar Solutions for Mixed Convection in Non-Newtonian Fluids Along a Wedge with Variable Surface Heat Flux in a Porous Medium
Rama Subba Reddy Gorla and Mahesh Kumari

Technical Note: Combined Heat and Mass Transfer in Mixed Convection Adjacent to a VWT/VWC or VHF/VMF Cone in a Porous Medium: The Entire Regime
A. Raptis