[C1] HUA,
Y., and SARKAR, T. K., "Statistical analysis of three high resolution
techniques for radio direction estimation," Proc. of IEEE ASSP 3rd
Workshop on Spectral Estimation and Modelling, pp. 161-164, Boston, MA, USA,
Nov. 1986.
[C2] HUA,
Y., and SARKAR, T. K., "Analysis of three high resolution techniques for
radio direction estimation," Proc. of IEEE International Conference on
Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, pp. 1728-1731, Dallas, TX, USA, April
[C3] HUA,
Y., and SARKAR, T. K., "Further analysis of three modern techniques for
pole retrieval from data sequence," Proc. of 30th Midwest Symposium on
Circuits and Systems, pp. 793-797, Syracuse, NY, USA, August 1987.
[C4] HUA,
Y., and SARKAR, T. K., "Matrix pencil method and its performance,"
Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal
Processing, pp. 2476-2479, New York, NY, USA, April 1988.
[C5] HUA,
Y., and SARKAR, T. K., "A discussion of E-pulse method and Prony's method for radar target resonance retrieval from
scattered field," Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Antennas and
Propagation, (2 pp.), Syracuse, NY, USA, June 1988.
[C6] HUA,
Y., and SARKAR, T. K., "Optimal T-pulse for extracting single modes of
radar targets," Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Antennas and
Propagation, (2 pp.), Syracuse, NY, USA, June 1988.
[C7] HUA,
Y., and SARKAR, T. K., "Subspace linear prediction approach to extracting
poles," Proc. of IEEE ASSP 4th Workshop on Spectral Estimation and Modeling, pp. 367-370, Minneapolis, MN, USA, August 1988.
(invited paper)
[C8] HUA,
Y., and SARKAR, T. K., "Utilization of matrix pencil for system
identification," Proc. of NATO ASI Meeting on Numerical Linear Algebra,
Digital Signal Processing, and Parallel Algorithms, (10 pp.), Leuven, Belgium,
August 1988.
[C9] HUA,
Y., and SARKAR, T. K., "Maximum likelihood, weighted Kalman
and subspace linear prediction algorithms for system identification,"
Proc. of 22nd Annual Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, (5
pp.), Pacific Grove, CA, USA, Oct. 1988.
[C10] HUA,
Y., and SARKAR, T. K., "Generalized pencil-of-function method for
extracting poles of an EM system from its transient response," Proc. of
International Symposium on Signal Processing and its Applications, (4 pp.),
Adelaide, South Australia, April 1989.
[C11] HUA,
Y., and SARKAR, T. K., "Generalized pencil-of-function method for
extracting poles of an EM system from its transient response", Proc. of
IEEE International Conference on Antennas and Propagation, (2 pp.), CA, USA,
July 1989.
[C12] HUA,
Y., and SARKAR, T. K., "L-shaped array for estimating 2-D directions of
multiple wave arrival," Proc. of Topical Meeting of Optical Society of
America on Signal Recovery and Synthesis, pp. 82-84, Cape Cod, MA, USA, June,
[C13] HUA,
Y., and SARKAR, T. K., "L-shaped array for estimating 2-D directions of
multiple wave arrival," Proc. of 32nd Midwest Symposium on Circuits and
Systems, (4 pp.), Urbana, IL, USA, August, 1989.
[C14] HUA,
Y., and SARKAR, T. K., "A perturbation theorem for sensitivity analysis of
SVD based algorithms," Proc. of 32nd Midwest Symposium on Circuits and
Systems, (4 pp.), Urbana, IL, USA, August, 1989.
[C15] HUA,
Y., and SARKAR, T. K., "The matrix pencil method for estimating parameters
of sum of complex exponentials," Proc. of NATO ASI Conference on Recent
Advances in Fourier Analysis and its Applications, (10 pp.), 1989.
[C16] HUA,
Y., and SARKAR, T. K., and HU, F., "The generalized pencil-of-function
(GPOF) method for extracting poles from transient responses," Proc. of
Indo-US Workshop, (4 pp.), New Delhi, India, November 1989.
[C17] HUA,
Y., HU, F., and SARKAR, T. K., "Matrix pencil with prefiltering
for direction finding," Proc. of 23rd Annual Asilomar Conference on
Signals, Systems, and Computers, (5 pp.), Pacific Grove, CA, USA, Oct. 1989.
(invited paper)
[C18] HUA,
Y., and SARKAR, T. K., "Estimation of spectral and temporal parameters of
multiple transient signals," Proc. of IEEE International Conference on
Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, pp.2411-2414, Albuquerque, New
Mexico, USA, April 1990.
[C19] HUA,
Y., and SARKAR, T. K., and NANDAGOPAL, D., "Identifying multiple
transients using matrix pencil method," Proc. of First Australian Radar
Conference, pp.437-441, Adelaide, Australia, April 1990.
[C20] HUA,
Y., and SARKAR, T. K., "Cramer-Rao Bound for 2-D Direction Finding Based
on 2-D Array," Proc. of 2nd International Symposium on Signal Processing
and its Applications, pp.356-359, Gold Coast, Australia, August 27-31, 1990.
D., HUA, Y., SARKAR, T. K., and POTTER, I., "Estimation of poles of radar
returns from moving targets using matrix pencil methods," Proc. of 2nd
International Symposium on Signal Processing and its Applications, pp.405-408,
Gold Coast, Australia, August 27-31, 1990.
[C22] HUA,
Y., and SARKAR, T. K., "A perturbation Theorem for Sensitivity Analysis of
SVD Based Algorithms," Proc. of Second SIAM Conference on Linear Algebra,
Signals, Systems, and Control, (4 pp.), San Francisco, CA, USA, November 5-8,
[C23] Maricevic, Z, Sarkar T. K, Yingbo Hua. Time domain antenna
measurements with HP8510 using matrix pencil method. [Conference Paper]
Symposium on Antenna Technology and Applied Electromagnetics 1990 Conference
Proceedings. First Edition. ANTEM. 1990, pp.301-17. Winnipeg, Man., Canada.
[C24] Fengduo Hu, Sarkar T. K., Yingbo Hua. The spectral
parameter estimation by using prefiltering and matrix
pencil method. [Conference Paper] Fifth ASSP Workshop on Spectrum Estimation
and Modeling (Cat. No.90TH0331-9). IEEE. 1990,
pp.45-9. New York, NY, USA.
[C25] HUA,
Y., and SARKAR, T. K., "On SVD for estimating generalized eigenvalues of
singular matrix pencil in noise," Proc. of 24th Asilomar Conference on
Signals, Systems and Computers, (5 pp.), Nov. 5-7, 1990, Asilomar Hotel,
Pacific Grove, CA. (invited paper)
[C26] HUA,
Y., "Estimating two-dimensional frequencies by matrix enhancement and
matrix pencil," Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Acoustics,
Speech, and Signal Processing, pp. 3073-3076, 14-17 May 1991, Toronto, Canada.
[C27] HUA,
Y., and SARKAR, T. K., "On SVD for estimating generalized eigenvalues of
singular matrix pencil in noise," Proc. of IEEE International Symposium on
Circuits and Systems, pp. 2780-2783, 11-14 June 1991, Singapore. .
[C28] HUA,
Y., "Matrix pencils and multidimensional sinusoids," Proc. of IEEE
7th Workshop on Multidimensional Signal Processing, (2 pp.), Lake Placid, NY,
23-25 Sept. 1991.
[C29] LECH,
M., and HUA, Y., "Vector quantization of images using neural networks and
simulated annealing," Proc. of IEEE First Workshop on Neural Networks for
Signal Processing, Princeton, NJ, pp.552-561, 29 Sept. - 2 Oct. 1991.
[C30] CHENG,
C., and HUA, Y., ""Comparison of single sinusoidal likelihood
functions using 2-D frequencies and polynomial coefficients as variables,"
IEEE Region 10 Conference on Automation and Telecommunications (TENCON'92), (4
pp.), Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, Nov. 1992.
[C31] BAQAI,
F., and HUA, Y., "Matrix pencil method for inverse synthetic aperture
radar imaging," IEEE Region 10 Conference on Automation and
Telecommunications (TENCON'92), (5 pp.), Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, Nov.
[C32] EVANS,
J., and HUA, Y., "Parameter estimation of multiple transient
signals," IEEE Region 10 Conference on Automation and Telecommunications
(TENCON'92), (5 pp.), Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, Nov. 1992.
[C33] HUA,
Y., "High resolution stepped frequency ISAR imaging via matrix
pencil," Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC'92), pp.691-694,
Adelaide, Australia, August 1992.
[C34] HUA,
Y., "Multidimensional frequency estimation using matrix pencil," The
3rd International Symposium on Signal Processing and its Applications
(ISSPA'92), (4 pp.), Gold Coast, Australia, August 1992.
[C35] Hua,
Y, Arvas E, Sarkar T. K., “T-pulse for exciting
single modes of radar targets. [Conference Paper] Direct and Inverse Methods in
Radar Polarimetry, Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop. Kluwer
Academic Publishers. 1992, pp.401-25 vol.1. Dordrecht, Netherlands.
[C36] EVANS,
J., and HUA, Y., "Parameter estimation of multiple transient
signals," The 3rd International Symposium on Signal Processing and its
Applications (ISSPA'92), (4 pp.), Gold Coast, Australia, August 1992.
[C37] LECH,
M., and HUA, Y., "Image vector quantization using neural networks and
simulated annealing," IEE 4th International Conference on Image Processing
and Its Applications, pp.534-537, Maastricht, Holland, 6-9 April 1992.
[C38] BAQAI,
F., and HUA, Y., "Matrix pencil methods for ISAR image
reconstruction," Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Acoustics,
Speech, and Signal Processing, (4 pp.) Minneapolis, NM, USA, 27-30 April 1993.
[C39] ZHU,
Y., and HUA, Y., "The threshold SNR analysis of matrix pencil method for
two-dimensional frequency wave-number estimation," Proc. of International
Conference on Signal Processing, (5 pp.) Beijing, China, Oct. 26-30, 1993.
[C40] CHENG,
C., and HUA, Y., "Performance of parameter estimation of closely spaced
two-dimensional signals, Proc. of International Conference on Signal
Processing, (5 pp.) Beijing, China, Oct. 26-30, 1993.
[C41] ZHU,
Y., and HUA, Y., "Spectral estimation of two-dimensional NMR signals using
matrix pencil method," Proc. of IEEE TENCON'93, (5 pp.) Beijing, China,
Oct. 19-21, 1993.
[C42] YANG,
H., and HUA, Y., "Performance analysis of an eigendecomposition
based method for 2-D frequency estimation," IEEE Workshop on Visual Signal
Processing and Communications, (5 pp.) Melbourne, Australia, 21-22 Sept. 1993.
[C43] CHENG,
C., and HUA, Y., "On the computation loads in minimizing frequency and
polynomial error functions," IEEE Workshop on Visual Signal Processing and
Communications, (5 pp.) Melbourne, Australia, 21-22 Sept. 1993.
[C44] EVANS,
J., and HUA, Y., "Further study of the SDMP method for parameter
estimation of multiple transients," IEEE International Conference on
Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Adelaide, Australia, 19-22 April
[C45] CHENG,
C., and HUA, Y., "Performance analysis of MUSIC and Pencil-MUSIC
algorithms," IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and
Signal Processing, Adelaide, Australia, 19-22 April 1994.
[C46] YANG,
H., and HUA, Y., "Asymptotical properties of the matrix pencil method for
2-D frequency estimation," IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing
and Array Processing, Quebec City, Canada, June 1994.
[C47] CHENG,
C., HUA, Y., "Pencil-MUSIC for wave direction finding," Proc of 1994 International Conference on Communication
Technology, Shanghai, China, June 8-10, 1994.
[C48] HUA,
Y., "Fast maximum likelihood for blind identification of multiple FIR
channels," the 28th Annual Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and
Computers, Pacific Grove, CA, Oct 31 - Nov. 2, 1994.
[C49] QIU,
W., and HUA, Y., "Performance analysis of a blind channel identification
method based on second-order statistics," the 28th Annual Asilomar
Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, Pacific Grove, CA, Oct 31 - Nov.
2, 1994.
[C50] MIAO,
Y., and HUA, Y., "Multilayered network architectures for inverse matrix
computation," International Symposium on Information Theory & Its
Applications, Sydney, Australia, 20-24 Nov 1994.
P., and HUA, Y., "Tracking of time varying subspaces using neural networks,"
ANZIIS-94, Brisbane, Queensland, 30 Nov - 2 Dec, 1994.
[C52] HUA,
Y., YANG, H., WAX, M., ZHOU, M., "Blind system identification using
multiple sensors," IEEE ICASSP'95, Detroi, MI,
pp. 3171-3174, May 1995.
[C53] MIAO,
Y, and HUA, Y., "Generalized inverse computations using two-layer
feedforward neural networks with prunning," IEEE
International Conference on Neural Networks, pp. 3154-3158, Perth, WA, 27 Nov -
1, Dec. 1995.
[C54] MIAO,
Y., and HUA, Y., "Neural network for determining the effective rank of
matrix in noise," International Conference on Neural Networks and Signal
Processing, pp. 484-487, Nanjing, China, 10-13 Dec 1995.
[C55] QIU,
W., and HUA, Y., "Statistical analysis of subspace method for blind
channel identification," International Conference on Neural Networks and
Signal Processing, pp. 863-866, Nanjing, China, 10-13 Dec 1995.
[C56] CHENG,
Q., and HUA, Y., "Angle estimation in a coherent environment using loops
and dipoles," International Conference on Neural Networks and Signal Processing,
pp. 914-917, Nanjing, China, 10-13 Dec 1995.
[C57] CHENG,
Q., and HUA, Y., "High SNR performance analysis of the MUSIC and
Pencil-MUSIC algorithms," International Conference on Neural Networks and Signal
Processing, pp. 1150-1153, Nanjing, China, 10-13 Dec 1995.
[C58] QIU,
W., YANG, H., and HUA, Y., "On performance of cross-relation method for
blind channel identification," Control'95, pp. 277-281, Melboure, Vic, 23-25 Oct 1995.
[C59] CHENG,
Q., and HUA, Y., "On detection of frequencies using single measurement of
data," Control'95, pp. 301-305, Melboure, Vic,
23-25 Oct 1995.
[C60] CHENG,
Q., and HUA, Y., "Detection of frequencies using least square error
function", IEEE ICASSP'96, Vol. V, pp. 2523-2526, Atalanta,
GA, USA, May 1996.
[C61] QIU,
W., and HUA, Y., "Performance comparison of three methods for blind
channel identification," IEEE ICASSP'96, Vol. V, pp. 2423-2426, Atalanta, GA, USA, May 1996.
K., BELOUCHRANI, A., and HUA, Y., "Blind identification of a
linear-quadratic mixture of independent components based on joint
diagonalization procedure," IEEE ICASSP'96, Vol. V, pp. 2718-2721, Atalanta, GA, USA, May 1996.
[C63] HUA,
Y., ABED-MERAIM, K., and WAX, M., "Blind system identification using
minimum noise subspace," IEEE Workshop on SSAP, pp. 308-311, Corfu,
Greece, 24-26 June 1996.
[C64] CHENG,
Q., and HUA, Y., "Detection of two-dimensional frequencies," pp.
25-28, ISSPA'96, Gold Coast, Australia, 25-30 August 1996.
[C65] QIU,
W. and HUA, Y. "Blind channel identification of multiple FIR
channels," pp. 236-237, ISSPA'96, Gold Coast, Australia, 25-30 August
[C66] MIAO,
Y., and HUA, Y., "A unified approach to adaptive subspace
estimation," pp. 680-683, ISSPA'96, Gold Coast, Australia, 25-30
August 1996.
K., BELOUCHRANI, A., MANSOUR, A., and HUA, Y., "Parameter estimation of
exponentially damped sinusoids using second order statistics", Proc.
EUSIPCO, Trieste, Italy, June 1996.
K. and HUA, Y., "Combining cyclostationarity and
spatial diversity for blind system identification," Proc. of the 30th
Asilomar Conference Monterey, CA, pp. 325-328, Nov. 1996.
K., HUA, Y., and BELOUCHRANI, A., "Second-Order Near-Field Source Localization: Algorithm and Performance Analysis", Proc. of the
30th Asilomar Conference, Monterey, CA, pp. 723-726 Nov. 1996.
[C70] IKRAM,
M. Z., ABED-MERAIM, K., and HUA, Y., "Fast Discrete Quadratic Phase
Transform for Estimating the Parameters of Chirp Signals", Proc. of the
30th Asilomar Conference, Monterey, CA, pp. 798-801, Nov. 1996.
K., HUA, Y., "Blind equalization of multichannel IIR system using second
order statistics," IEEE Region Ten
Conference - TENCON, pp. 446-451, Perth, Australia, Nov. 1996.
[C72] IKRAM,
M. Z., ABED-MERAIM, K., and HUA, Y., "An iterative approach to the
parametric estimation of chirp signals", IEEE Region Ten Conference -
TENCON, pp. 681-685, Perth, Australia, Nov. 1996.
[C73] IKRAM,
M. Z., ABED-MERAIM, K., and HUA, Y., "Estimating doppler
parameters in SAR imaging for moving targets", Proc
of IEEE Nordic Signal Processing Symposium, pp. 207-210, Finland, Sept 1996.
K., and HUA, Y., "Improved TSML Algorithm for Multichannel Blind Identification",
IEEE SP. Workshop on signal processing advances in wireless communications,
(Published by IEEE) Paris, France, Vol. 1, pp. 77-80, April 1997.
K., and HUA, Y., "Subspace Blind Identification Method in Colored Noise: Algorithm and Performances", ICT
(International Conference in Telecommunications), (Published by Monash
University) Melbourne, pp. 401-406, April 1997. (Invited paper)
K., and HUA, Y., "Strict Identifiability of SIMO
Systems: Further results and developments", ICT (International Conference
in Telecommunications), (Published by Monash University) Melbourne, pp.
1029-1034, April 1997. (Invited paper)
[C77] QIU,
W., and HUA, Y., "The GCD method for blind channel identification,"
ICT (International Conference in Telecommunications), (Published by Monash
University) Melbourne, pp. 1017-1022, April 1997. (Invited paper)
[C78] IKARM,
M. Z., ABED-MERAIM, K., and HUA, Y., "Multiple moving target SAR imaging
in noisy environment", ICT (International Conference in
Telecommunications), (Published by Monash University) Melbourne, pp. 1039-1044,
April 1997.
K., and HUA, Y., "A new TSML algorithm for multichannel blind
identification", SYSID'97, (Published by Fukuoka Inst
of Tech, Fukuoka, Japan) Japan. (Invited paper), pp. 1051-1056 July 1997.
K., HUA, Y. and BELOUCHRANI, A., "Super-fast Noise Subspace
Computation: Application to Array
Calibration and DOA Estimation" 15th Annual Benjamin Franklin Symposium,
(By Benjamin Franklin Institute), Philadelphia, PA, USA, pp. 50-53, May 1997.
K., HUA, Y. and BELOUCHRANI, A., "Minimum noise subspace: concepts and
applications," International conference on information, communications and
signal processing, (By Singapore National Univ), pp
118-121, vol. 1, Singapore, 9-12 Sept 1997.
[C82] HUA,
Y., and ABED-MERAIM, K., "Techniques of eigenvalues estimation and
association," The Australia and US Joint Workshop on Defence Applications
of Signal Processing, Victor Harbor, Australia, 25-27 June 1997. (Invited)
K., and HUA, Y., "Joint Schur decomposition:
algorithms and applications," International conference on information,
communications and signal processing, (By Singapore National Univ),
Singapore, 9-12 Sept 1997.
[C84] CHENG,
Q., and HUA, Y., "Sensor gain and phase estimation," the 31st
Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, (By IEEE Computer
Society) Pacific Grove, California, Nov 2-5, 1997.
[C85] Cheng,
Q., and HUA, Y., "Detection of vapor emitting
sources," the 31st Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers,
(By IEEE Computer Society) Pacific Grove, California, Nov 2-5, 1997.
[C86] MIAO,
Y., and HUA, Y., "Fast subspace tracking by a novel information
criterion," the 31st Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and
Computers, (By IEEE Computer Society) Pacific Grove, California, Nov 2-5, 1997.
K., and HUA, Y., "3-D source localization by second order
statistics," the 31st Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and
Computers, (By IEEE Computer Society) Pacific Grove, California, Nov 2-5, 1997.
K., and HUA, Y., "Multi-line fitting and straight edge detection using
polynomial phase signals," the 31st Asilomar Conference on Signals,
Systems, and Computers, (By IEEE Computer Society) Pacific Grove, California,
Nov 2-5, 1997.
[C89] IKRAM,
M. Z., SIDDIQUI, N. A., and HUA, Y., "Design and implementation of IIR
filters in STLC7545 analog front-end for voice
communications," IEEE TENCON'97, (By IEEE) Brisbane, Australia, 2-4 Dec
[C90] PHAM,
M. H., HUA, Y., and GRAY, N., "Imaging the solidification of molten metal
by eddy current," Second Australian Workshop on Signal Processing
Applications, (By Institute of Engineers - Australia) pp. 235-238, Brisbane,
Dec 4-5, 1997.
K., and HUA, Y., "Knowledge based identification of sparse multipath
channels," Second Australian Workshop on Signal Processing Applications,
(By Institute of Engineers - Australia) pp. 127-130, Brisbane, Dec 4-5, 1997.
[C92] IKRAM,
M. Z., BELOUCHRANI, K., ABED-MERAIM, K., and HUA, Y., "Interference
excision of non-stationary signals in spread spectrum communications,"
Second Australian Workshop on Signal Processing Applications, (By Institute of
Engineers - Australia) pp. 207-310, Brisbane, Dec 4-5, 1997.
[C93] ZHU,
C., and HUA, Y., "Optimized feature map finite state vector quantization
for image coding," Second Australian Workshop on Signal Processing
Applications, (By Institute of Engineers - Australia) pp. 55-58, Brisbane, Dec
4-5, 1997.
[C94] MIAO,
Y., and HUA, Y., "Fast subspace tracking and neural network learning by a
novel information criterion," Second Australian Workshop on Signal
Processing Applications, (By Institute of Engineers - Australia) pp. 223-226,
Brisbane, Dec 4-5, 1997.
K., and HUA, Y., “A least-squares approach to joint Schur
decomposition,” Vol. 4, pp. 2541-2544, IEEE ICASSP’98, Seattle, WA, USA, May
12-15, 1998.
[C96] MIAO,
Y., and HUA, Y., “Fast subspace tracking and neural network learning by a novel
information criterion,” Vol. 2, pp. 1197-1200, IEEE ICASSP’98, Seattle, WA,
USA, May 12-15, 1998.
J. H., HUA, Y., ZHENG, Y., and ZHANG, C., “Semi-blind identification of finite
impulse response channels,” Vol. 4, pp. 2369-2372, IEEE ICASSP’98, Seattle, WA,
USA, May 12-15, 1998.
K., and HUA, Y., “Blind identification of sparse multipath channels using cyclostationary statistics,” EUSIPCO’98, 1998.
K., HUA, Y., and BELOUCHRANI, A., “A general framework for blind source
separation using second order statistics,” IEEE Workshop in Digital Signal
Processing, Utah, USA, 9-12 Aug 1998.
ABED-MERAIM, K., and HUA, Y., “New linear prediction algorithm for blind
equalization in spatially colored noise,” IEEE
Workshop in Digital Signal Processing, Utah, USA, 9-12 Aug 1998.
MANTON, J., H., and HUA, Y., “Subspace constrained James-Stein estimation,”
IEEE Workshop in Digital Signal Processing, Utah, USA, 9-12 Aug 1998.
PHAM, M. H., HUA, Y., and GRAY, N. B., “Eddy current sensor array processing”,
IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal and Array Processing, pp. 224-227,
Portland, USA, 14-16 Sept 1998.
HUA, Y., CHEN, T., and MIAO, Y., “A unifying view of a class of subspace
tracking methods,” Proc of the 1998 Symposium on
Image, Speech, Signal Processing and Robotics, Vol. 2, pp. 27-32, The Chinese
University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 3-4 Sept 1998. (Invited paper)
HUA, Y., and LIU, W. Q., “Generalized Karhunen-Loeve
transform,” Proc of International Conference on
Optimization Techniques and Applications, pp. 1079-1082, July 3-5, 1998, Perth,
DOGANCAY, K., ABED-MERAIM, K., HUA, Y., “Convex optimization for blind equalization,”
Proc of International Conference on Optimization
Techniques and Applications, pp. 1017-1023, July 3-5, 1998, Perth, Australia.
XIANG, Y., ABED-MERAIM, K., HUA, Y., “New iterative techniques for second order
blind source separation,” IEEE International Workshop on Intelligent Signal
Processing and Communication Systems, Vol. 1, pp. 289-293, Melbourne,
Australia, 4-6 Nov 1998.
BELOUCHRANI, A., ABED-MERAIM, K., HUA, Y., “Jacobi-like algorithms for joint
block diagonalization: application to source localization,” IEEE International
Workshop on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems, Vol. 1,
pp. 133-137, Melbourne, Australia, 4-6 Nov 1998.
PHAM, M. H., HUA, Y., and GRAY, N. B., "Eddy current tomography for metal
solidification imaging," 1st World Congress on Industrial Process
Tomography, pp. 451-458, Buxton, Derbyshire, UK, April 17th 1999.
ABED-MERAIM, K., XIANG, Y. and HUA, Y., "Blind source separation using
second-order cyclostationary statistics,"
Information, Decision and Control, pp. 321-326, Adelaide, Australia, 8-10 Feb
ABED-MERAIM, and HUA, Y., "Blind equalization methods in colored noise field," Information, Decision and
Control, pp. 477-481, Adelaide, Australia, 8-10 Feb 1999.
XIANG, Y., ABED-MERAIM, K., and HUA, Y., "Adaptive blind source separation
by second order statistics and natural gradient," IEEE ICASSP'99, Phoenix,
Arizona, USA, March 1999.
HUA, Y., XIANG, Y., CHEN, T., ABED-MERAIM, K., and MIAO, Y., "Natural
power method for fast subspace tracking," IEEE Workshop on Neural Networks
for Signal Processing, pp. 176-185, Madison, Wisconsin, USA, 23-25 Aug 1999.
ABED-MERAIM, K., HUA, Y., and LEYMAN, A. R., "Efficient Maximum Likelihood
Solutions for Blind System Identification", to appear in Proc. ICT
(International Conference in Telecommunications), Korea, Dec. 1999.
MANTON, J. H. and HUA, Y., "Frequency Domain Subspace Algorithms for
Channel Identification," Second International Conference on Information,
Communications and Signal Processing, December, Singapore. CD-ROM only, Dec 1999.
MANTON, J. H. and HUA, Y., "Maximum-Likelihood Algorithms for
Deterministic and Semi-Blind Channel Identification," Second International
Conference on Information, Communications and Signal Processing, December,
Singapore. CD-ROM only, Dec 1999.
MANTON, J. H. and NEUMANN, W. D. and NORBURY, P. T. and HUA, Y. "On the
Global Identifiability of Channel Identification
Problems," Second International Conference on Information, Communications
and Signal Processing, December, Singapore.
CD-ROM only, Dec 1999.
ZHU, C., and HUA, Y., "Vector Quantization With
Minimax L-infinity Distortion For Image Coding," IEEE International
Conference on Image Processing, Kobe, Japan, 24-28 Oct 1999.
CHKEIF, A., ABED-MERAIM, K., and HUA, Y., "Orthogonal algorithm for Minor
and Principal Subspace Extraction", Proc Int. Symp. of Sig. Proc. and its Applications (ISSPA), 4 pages,
Brisbane, Australia, Aug 1999.
HUA, Y., "Searching beyond SVD for rank reduction", IEEE Workshop on
Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA,
16-17 March 2000.
HUA, Y., XIANG, Y., ABED-MERAIM, K., "Blind identification of colored signals distorted by FIR channels," IEEE
ICASSP'2000, Istanbul, Turkey, 5-9 June 2000.
ABED-MERAIM, K., XIANG, Y., and HUA, Y., "Generalized second order identifiability condition and relevant testing
technique," IEEE ICASSP'2000, Istanbul, Turkey, 5-9 June 2000.
MANTON, J., MAREELS, I., and HUA, Y., "Affine precoders
for reliable communications," IEEE ICASSP'2000, Istanbul, Turkey, 5-9 June
MANTON, J., HUA, Y., "A Multi-dimensional subspace method for identifying SISO-FIR
and SISO-ARMA channels without statistical information," IEEE Conference
on Communications Systems, Singapore, Nov. 2000.
MANTON, J., HUA, Y., "A time domain approach to the design of linear precoders for time varying systems," IEEE Conference
on Communications Systems, Singapore, Nov. 2000.
MANTON, J., HUA, Y., "A frequency domain approach to the design of linear precoders for quasi stationary channels," IEEE
Conference on Communications Systems, Singapore, Nov. 2000.
MANTON, J., XIE, L., and HUA, Y., "An LMI algorithm for finding the
optimal H-infinity equalizer," IEEE Conference on Communications Systems,
Singapore, Nov. 2000.
MANTON, J., GROVE, J., HUA, Y., "On properties of the solutions of systems
of polynomial equations," 3rd Asian Control Conference, Shanghai, China,
July 2000
HUA, Y., and XIANG, Y., "The BID for blind identification of FIR MIMO
channels," IEEE Neural Network for Signal Processing Workshop, Sydney,
Australia, Nov 2000.
NIKPOUR, M., BALOCH, A., MANTON, J., HUA, Y., "A fast on-line algorithm
for computing reduced rank Wiener filter," IEEE Neural Network for Signal
Processing Workshop, Sydney, Australia, Nov 2000.
HUA, Y., and AN, S., "Blind identifiability
conditions of FIR MIMO channels driven by colored
signals," 34th Annual Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and
Computers, Asilomar Hotel, Monterey, CA, 30 Oct - 1 Nov, 2000.
MANTON, J., and HUA, Y., "A randomized algorithm for improving source and
channel estimates by exploiting the finite alphabet property," 34th Annual
Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, Asilomar Hotel,
Monterey, CA, 30 Oct - 1 Nov, 2000.
MANTON, J., and HUA, Y., "Frequency domain space time coding for MIMO FIR
channels," 34th Annual Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and
Computers, Asilomar Hotel, Monterey, CA, 30 Oct - 1 Nov, 2000.
PHAM, M., HUA, Y., GRAY, N., "Computing the solidification of molten metal
by eddy currents," Sampling, Sensors and Control for High Temperature
Metallurgical Processes, 130th TMS Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana,
11-15 Feb 2001, 12 pages.
XIANG, Y., HUA, Y., AN. S. and ACERO, A., "Experimental Investigation of
Delayed Instantaneous Demixer for Speech Enhancement,"
IEEE International Conferences on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing,
Salt Lake City, May 2001.
MANTON, J., and HUA, Y., " Convolutive Reduced
Rank Wiener Filtering," IEEE International Conferences on Acoustics,
Speech, and Signal Processing, Salt Lake City, May 2001.
BALOCH, A., MANTON, J., HUA, Y., "Modified Channel Subspace Method for
Identification of SIMO FIR Channels Driven by a Trailing Zero Filter Bank Precoder", IEEE International Conferences on
Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Salt Lake City, May 2001.
HUA, Y., AN, S., and XIANG, Y., " Blind Identification and Equalization of
FIR MIMO Channels by BIDS," IEEE International Conferences on Acoustics,
Speech, and Signal Processing, Salt Lake City, May 2001.
KOK, C. W., HUA, Y., MANTON, J., "A nonuniform filterbank structure for channel pre-equalization,"
IEEE International Conference on Circuits and Systems, Sydney, Australia, May
MANTON, J., and HUA, Y., "A novel algorithm for computing rank-reduced
matrix approximation," IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing for Wireless
Communications, Taiwan, March 2001.
MANTON, J., HUA, Y., CAO, X., "Precoder assisted
channel estimation in complex projective space," IEEE Workshop on Signal
Processing for Wireless Communications, Taiwan, March 2001.
AN, S., and HUA, Y., “Blind system identification and equalization of minimum
phase channels,” IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing, Singapore, Aug
AN. S., and HUA, Y., “Blind signal separation and blind system identification
of irreducible MIMO channels,” International Symposium on Signal Processing and
Applications, Malaysia, Aug 2001.
ALI, H., MANTON, J. H., HUA, Y., “A SOS subspace method for blind channel identification
and equalization in bandwidth efficient OFDM systems based on receive antenna
diversity,” IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing, Singapore, Aug
ALI, H, DOUCET, A., HUA, Y., “A subspace method for blind channel identification
and equalization in OFDM systems,” IASTED International Conference on Wireless
and Optical Communication (WOC 2002), pp. 131-136, July 17 to July 19, 2002, in
Banff, Canada.
XIANG, Y., HUA, Y., AN, S., and ACERO, A., “Separating colored
signals distorted by convolutive channels using
diagonal constrained decorrelation,” IEEE International Conferences on
Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Orlando, FL, May 2002.
[C146] S.
AN, Y. HUA, J. MANTON, “An improved subspace method for blind identification of
FIR MIMO channels,” 3rd International DCDIS Conference on Engineering
Applications and Computational Algorithms May 15-18, 2003 in Guelph, Ontario,
[C147] Y.
HUA, S. AN, Y. XIANG, “Identification of unknown uncorrelated colored signals distorted by unknown convolutive
channels,” The eleventh Annual Workshop on Adaptive Sensor Array Processing,
11-13 March 2003, Lincoln Laboratory, MIT.
[C148] S.
AN, Y. HUA, J. MANTON, “Blind identification of FIR MIMO channels by group decorrelation”,
IEEE ICASSP’2003, Hong Kong, April 2003.
[C149] Z.
FANG, Y. HUA, “Maximum likelihood method for bind identification of multiple
autoregressive channels”, IEEE ICASSP’2003, Hong Kong, April 2003.
[C150] Y.
HUA, Y. MEI, Y. CHANG, “Parallel mobile wireless relays with space-time
modulation,” IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing, pp. 375-378, St
Louis, MO, Sept 28 – Oct 1, 2003.
[C151] Y.
HUA, Y. MEI, Y. CHANG, “Smart wireless antenna arrays,” IEEE Topical Conference
on Wireless Communication Technology, Honolulu, Hawaii, Oct 15-17, 2003.
[C152] Y.
HUA, Y. MEI, Y. CHANG, “Wireless antennas – making wireless communications
perform like wireline communications,” IEEE Topical Conference on Wireless
Communication Technology, pp. 47-73, Honolulu, Hawaii, Oct 15-17, 2003.
[C153] Y.
CHANG, Y. HUA, “Application of space-time linear block codes to parallel
wireless relays in mobile ad hoc networks,” Proc of
Asilomar Annual Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, Pacific Grove,
CA, Nov. 10-12, 2003.
[C154] S.
OUYANG, Y. HUA, “Bi-iterative least square versus bi-iterative singular value
decomposition for subspace tracking,” Proc of IEEE
ICASSP’04, Montreal, Canada, May 17-21, 2004. (Received a letter of recognition
of top quality from IEEE SPS VP Publications.)
[C155] Y.
CHANG, Y. HUA, “Diversity analysis of orthogonal space-time modulation for
wireless relays,” Proc of IEEE ICASSP’04, Vol. IV,
pp. 561-564, Montreal, Canada, May 17-21, 2004.
[C156] Y.
HUA, Y. CHANG, Y. MEI, “A networking perspective of mobile parallel relays,”
IEEE Workshop on Digital Signal Processing, pp. 249-253, Taos Ski Valley, NM,
1-4 Aug 2004.
[C157] Z.
YE, Y. HUA, “Networking by parallel relays – diversity, lifetime and routing
overhead,” The 38th Annual Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and
Computers, pp. 1302-1306, Pacific Grove, CA, Nov 7-10, 2004.
[C158] J.
H. MANTON, Y. HUA, J. P. REILLY, “An iterative algorithm converging to the
principal subspace projection operator with applications,” The 38th Annual Asilomar
Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, pp. 140-143, Pacific Grove, CA,
Nov 7-10, 2004.
[C159] Y.
MEI, Y. HUA, A. SWAMI, B. DANESHRAD, “Combating synchronization errors in
cooperative relays” IEEE ICASSP’2005, Philadelphia, PA, March 2005.
[C160] Y.
CHANG, Y. HUA, “A complete family of quasi-orthogonal space-time codes,” IEEE
ICASSP’2005, Philadelphia, PA, March 2005.
[C161] Z.
YE, Y. HUA, “Stability of wireless relays in mobile ad hoc networks,” IEEE
ICASSP’2005, Philadelphia, PA, March 2005.
[C162] X.
Tang and Y. Hua, “Optimal waveform design for MIMO relays” IEEE Workshop on
Signal Processing Advances for Wireless Communications, New York, NY, June
[C163] Z.
YE, and Y. HUA, "On link layer policies of data forwarding over wireless relays",
MILCOM, Atlantic City, NJ, Oct 2005.
[C164] Z.
FANG, Y. HUA, and J. Koshy, "Joint source and relay optimization for a
non-regenerative MIMO relay," IEEE Workshop on Sensor Array and Multi-channel Processing, Waltham, MA, July 2006.
[C165] K.
HONG and Y. HUA, "Throughput of large wireless networks on square,
hexagonal and triangular grids," IEEE Workshop on Sensor Array and Multi-channel Processing, Waltham, MA, July 2006.
[C166] B.
ZHAO and Y. HUA, "A distributed MAC scheme for large network of wireless
routers," Army Science Conference, Orlando, Florida, Nov 27-30, 2006.
[C167] Y.
RONG and Y. HUA, "Optimal power schedule for distributed MIMO links,"
Army Science Conference, Orlando, Florida, Nov 27-30, 2006.
ZHAO, B., HUA, Y., "Distributed Medium Access for a Large Wireless Mesh
Network with Multiple Antenna Elements on Each Node," IEEE ICASSP,
Honolulu, Hawaii, April 2007.
RONG, Y., HUA, Y., SWINDLEHURST, A. L., "Space-Time Power Schedule for
Distributed MIMO Links without Channel State Information at Transmitting
Nodes," IEEE ICASSP, Honolulu, Hawaii, April 2007.
NOKLEBY, M., SWINDLEHUST, A. L., RONG, Y., HUA, Y., "Cooperative power
scheduling for wireless MIMO networks," IEEE Globecom
Signal Processing Symposium, Washington, DC, Nov. 2007.
HUANG, Y., HUA, Y., "Multi-hop progressive decentralized estimation of
deterministic vector in wireless sensor network," Asilomar Conference on
Signals, Systems and Computers, Pacific Grove, CA, Nov 4-7, 2007.
YU, Y., HUANG, Y., ZHAO, B., HUA, Y., "Throughput Analysis of Wireless
Mesh Networks," IEEE ICASSP, Las Vegas, NV, March 31 – April 4, 2008.
HUA, Y. and HUANG, Y., “Progressive estimation and detection,” First Workshop on
Sensor Signal and Information Processing (SenSIP),
Sedona, Arizona, May 2008.
KAWAMOTO, M., ASANO, F., KURUMATANI, K., HUA, Y., “A system for detecting
unusual sounds from sound environment observed by microphone arrays,” 2009
Fifth International Conference on Information Assurance and Security, Xi-An,
China, Aug 2009.
[C175] HUANG,
Y., and HUA, Y., “Energy cost for estimation in multihop
wireless sensor networks,” IEEE ICASSP, Dallas, TX, March 2010.
[C176] XU,
S., and HUA, Y., “Source-relay optimization for a two-way MIMO relay system,”
IEEE ICASSP, Dallas, TX, March 2010.
RONG, Y., HUA, Y., “'Optimality of diagonalization of multicarrier multi-hop
linear non-regenerative MIMO relays,” IEEE Wireless Communications and
Networking Conference, Sydney, Australia, April 2010.
HUA, Y., “An overview of beamforming and power allocation for MIMO relays,”
MILCOM 2010, San Jose, Nov 1-3, 2010.
KONG, T., HUA, Y., “Optimal channel estimation and training design for MIMO
relays,” Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, Monterey, CA,
Nov 2010.
[C180] XU,
S., HUA, Y., TAN, S., “Thermal Modeling and
Temperature Prediction Using Least Square Model Averaging with Model
Screening,” TECHCON2012, Renaissance Hotel in Austin, Texas, September 10 – 11,
LIU, Z., TAN, X.-D., WANG, H., HUA, Y., and GUPTA, A., “Compact nonlinear
thermal modeling of packaged microprocessors”,
TECHCON2012, Austin, TX, Sept. 10-11, 2012.
A., MOHSENIAN, H., HUA, Y., QIN, J., “Optimal Industrial Load Control in Smart
Grid: A Case Study for Oil Refineries”, IEEE Power and Energy Society General
Meeting, Vancouver, BC, Canada, July 2013, 5pp.
CIRIK, A. C., RONG, Y., HUA, Y., “Ergodic mutual information of full-duplex
MIMO radios with residual self-interference,” Asilomar Annual Conference on
Signals, Systems and Computers, Pacific Grove, CA, Nov 2013, pp. 1618-1622.
[C184] CIRIK,
A. C., WANG, R., HUA, Y., “Weighted-sum-rate maximization for bi-directional
full-duplex MIMO systems,” Asilomar Annual Conference on Signals, Systems and
Computers, Pacific Grove, CA, Nov 2013, pp. 1632-1636.
[C185] MA,
Y., HUA, Y., “Splitting source power for a multicarrier relay system with
direct link,” Asilomar Annual Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers,
Pacific Grove, CA, Nov 2013, pp. 1253-1257.
[C186] GAO,
Q., CHEN, G., HUA, Y., “Training slot allocation for mitigating estimation
error propagation in a two-hop relay system,” Asilomar Annual Conference on
Signals, Systems and Computers, Pacific Grove, CA, Nov 2013, pp.1565-1569.
[C187] HUA,
Y., MA, Y., LIANG, P., CIRIK, A., “Breaking the barrier of transmission noise
in full-duplex radios,” MILCOM 2013, pp. 1558-1563, San Diego, CA, Nov 2013.
[C188] GAO,
Q., MANTON, J., CHEN, G., HUA, Y., “Power-efficient Constellation Design for a
Multicarrier Optical Wireless System,” MILCOM 2013, pp. 1645-1650, San Diego,
CA, Nov 2013.
GHOLIAN, A., MA, Y., and HUA, Y., “A Numerical Investigation of All-Analog
Radio Self-Interference Cancellation”, IEEE International Workshop on Signal
Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC 2014), June 22-25, 2014
in Toronto, Canada.
CIRIK, A., ZHANG. J, HAARDT, M., and HUA, Y., “Sum-Rate Maximization for
Bi-directional Full-Duplex MIMO Systems under Multiple Linear Constraints”,
IEEE International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless
Communications (SPAWC 2014), June 22-25, 2014 in Toronto, Canada.
CIRIK, A., KHANDAKER, M., RONG, Y., and HUA, Y., “On Uplink-Downlink Sum-MSE
Duality of Multi-hop MIMO Relay Channel”, IEEE International Workshop on Signal
Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC 2014), June 22-25, 2014
in Toronto, Canada.
CIRIK, A., WANG, R., RONG, Y., and HUA, Y., “MSE Based Transceiver Designs for
Bi-directional Full-Duplex MIMO Systems”, IEEE International Workshop on Signal
Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC 2014), June 22-25, 2014
in Toronto, Canada.
GAO, Q., LIAO, L., CHEN, G., and HUA, Y., “Free-space Optical Multi-subcarrier Communication Employing Power-efficient
Constellations,” IEEE International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in
Wireless Communications (SPAWC 2014), June 22-25, 2014 in Toronto, Canada.
WANG, R., MEHRPOUYAN, H., TAO, M., HUA, Y., “Optimal Training Design and
Individual Channel Estimation for MIMO Two-Way Relay Systems in Colored Environment,” GLOBECOM, Austin, TX, Dec 2014.
WANG, R., MEHRPOUYAN, H., TAO, M., HUA, Y., “Channel Estimation and Carrier
Recovery in the Presence of Phase Noise in OFDM Relay Systems,” GLOBECOM,
Austin, TX, Dec 2014.
GAO, Q., WANG, R., XU, Z., and HUA, Y., “Joint Beamformer
and Offset Design for Multi-color
Visible Light Communications,” 2014 International Conference on Wireless
Communications and Signal Processing (WCSP), Hefei, China, Oct 2014.
HUA, Y., LI, Y., MAUSKAR, C., ZHU. Q., “Blind Digital Tuning for Interference
Cancellation in Full-Duplex Radio”, Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and
Computers, pp. 1691-1695, Pacific Grove, CA, Nov 2014
VAKILIAN, V., MEHRPOUYAN, H., HUA, Y., “High Rate Space-Time Codes for Millimeter-Wave Systems with Reconfigurable Antennas,” IEEE
Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, New Orleans, LA, March 2015.
[C201] CIRIK,
A. C., RONG, Y., HUA, Y., LATVA-AHO, M., “Fairness Considerations in
Full-Duplex MIMO Interference Channels,” IEEE ICASSP, Brisband,
Australia, April 2015.
CIRIK, A., RIKKINEN, WANG, R., HUA, Y., “Resource Allocation in Full-Duplex OFDMA
Systems with Partial Channel State Information,” IEEE ChinaSIP, Chengdu, China,
July 2015.
GAO, Q., WANG, R., XU, Z., HUA, Y., “Power-efficient High-dimensional
Constellation Design for Visible Light Communications,” Opto-Electronics
and Communications Conference (OECC), Shanghai, China, June-July 2015.
CHEN, L., ZHU, Q., and HUA, Y., “Fast Computation for Secure Communication with
Full-Duplex Radio,” 2016 IEEE 17th International Workshop on Signal Processing
Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC), July 2016.
Minimization Under Rate Constraints in Full-Duplex MIMO Systems,” IEEE VTC 2016
Fall, Montreal, Canada.