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Dr Anna Pohl



In her current postdoc project, Dr. Anna Pohl investigates biomineralization pathways in chiton teeth. She aims to shed light on how this extremely wear-resistant biological material is generated in the biological organism.

Dr. Pohl obtained her Ph.D. in biophysics at the Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces (Potsdam, Germany) where she investigated biomineralization in magnetotactic bacteria and focused on protein-magnetite interactions. Prior, she received her B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in microtechnology and nanostructures at Saarland University (Saarbrücken, Germany). She completed both Bachelor and Master theses at the Leibniz Institute for New Materials (Saarbrücken, Germany), where she examined structure-property relationships in biological materials as well as peptide-mineral interactions.


Her research interests are biomineralization, nanotechnology and bioinspired approaches for the generation of new materials with tailored properties for various applications. Aside from her passion for science, she likes botany, photography and exploring new places and cultures.


  • Pohl, A., Weiss, I. M., Real-time monitoring of calcium carbonate and cationic peptide deposition on carboxylate-SAM using a microfluidic SAW biosensor, Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, 5, 1823-1835 (2014).
  • Lemloh, M.-L., Pohl, A., Weber, E., Zeiger, M., Bauer, P., Weiss, I. M., Schneider, A. S., Structure-property relationships in mechanically stimulated Sorghum bicolor stalks, Bioinspired Materials, 1, 1-11 (2014).


  • Anna Pohl, Sarah Young, Tara Schmitz, Raz Zarivach, Christopher T. Lefèvre, Kerstin G. Blank, Damien Faivre: Magnetite-binding proteins from Deltaproteobacteria: a new route towards anisotropic magnetite nanoparticles?, talk presented at the MTB Meeting 2018, Kanazawa (Japan)
  • Anna Pohl, Raz Zarivach, Christopher T. Lefèvre, Kerstin G. Blank, Damien Faivre: Interaction of magnetosomal proteins with magnetite, talk presented at the Euro Bioinspired Materials Conference 2018, Potsdam (Germany)
  • Anna Pohl, Kerstin Blank, Damien Faivre: Interaction of biomolecules with magnetite, talk presented at the 13th Zsigmondy Colloquium 2017, Saarbruecken (Germany)
  • Anna Pohl, Kerstin Blank, Damien Faivre: Interaction of biomolecules with Magnetite, poster presented at the MTB Meeting 2016, Marseille (France)
  • Anna Pohl, Ruby May A. Sullan, Carmen Valverde Tercedor, Kerstin Blank, Damien Faivre: Towards the understanding of morphology control in magnetite biomineralization, poster presented at the Euro Bioinspired Materials Conference 2016, Potsdam (Germany)


2018 Ph.D. in Biophysics, University of Potsdam (Germany)
2014 M.Sc. in Microtechnology and Nanostructures, Saarland University (Germany)
2012 B.Sc. in Microtechnology and Nanostructures, Saarland University (Germany)