Diary July 18, 2010
Author: Isaac Lomeli
Today was a very eventful day. We started the morning riding the subway to the National Military Museum. The museum was enormous. The first floor had fighter jets and tanks from all throughout Chinese history. The second floor was a display of the history of guns. The third and fourth floors took us back in time before the Industrial Revolution. We went from ancient battle ships to swords and spears to ancient armor. There was even a display of stoned carved Chinese warriors.
After such an invigorating morning we headed out to lunch to a hot pot restaurant.
Later in the afternoon Sparkle invited us to a game of basketball. We played for about two hours. Cody had an impressive height advantage. After the game we ate dinner then got ready for a Chinese cultural meeting about tea. A Chinese culture club located right outside of the Tsinghua University gates hosted the meeting. The event was very informative and fun. The culture club president taught us how to sing ÒAmazing GraceÓ in Chinese. We learned about the three different types of tea, how to properly drink tea, and the spiritual symbolism and health benefits of tea.
After the cultural information session, David, Cody, Blim, two British engineering undergraduates, and I went out for karaoke. After two hours our throats were so soar from singing that we decided to call it a night.
Blim, Cody, David, and Isaac at the Chinese Military History Museum in front of a statue of Mao. |
Playing basketball with the host students. |
A people's monument at the military museum. |
Isaac, David, and Blim. |
Chinese corner. |
Cody watching the tea dance. |
Chris, Isaac, Cody and Georgie at the Karaoke club. |
Georgie, David, and Chris at the Karaoke club. |
David making a pass around Sparkle. |