LeaderSHPE Development
LeaderSHPE Training
LeaderSHPE Training is a quarterly assembly of the managerial board and directors to prepare them for the goals and challenges we face for the coming quarter. LeaderSHPE Day trains and prepares SHPE leaders for their duties and responsibilities through the school year. Workshops held give awareness of the importance behind SHPE's mission, and how academic and professional success impacts the hispanic community as a whole. These training days are sometimes frequented with professionals and alumni from the Inland Empire to provide a wider scope of insight for our leaders.

Professional Development
Professional Development Fair
The annual PDF, exposes students to a day-long conference, hones their professional skills through workshops, and expands their networks by connecting with SHPE Alumni and SHPE Professionals from Region 2. This event has been very receptive from our students and professionals, particularly the mock interviews and dining etiquette workshop hosted by the UCR Career Center.

Academic Development
Participation in the MentorSHPE program links together an underclassmen with an upperclassman of the same or related major. Mentors and Mentees are provided general guidelines and suggestions for how to engage in meaningful discussions about their career development, academics, and personal life.

Chapter Development
BCOE Bowling Tournament
STRIKE! The bowling tournament is a crowd's favorite! This event is hosted yearly to promote teamwork, competitiveness, and to increase collaboration amongst BCOE organizations.

Outreach/Community Service
Dia de Ciencias
Dia de Ciencias is an event for K-12 students and their parents made possible by the
Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE) and its sponsors. It is a workshop based event that encourages students to build and design STEM projects, learn, and interact with STEM representatives on the University of California, Riverside campus. The workshop topics include: Introduction to College at UCR Activities/Workshops relating to Chemical, Environmental, Material Science, Mechanical, Electrical, Biological, and Computer Engineering and Computer Science.
If you are interested in finding out more, please visit the official site, here.

LeaderSHPE Development
Regional Leadership Development Conference
RLDC provides students an opportunity to enhance their professional skills and expand their network, through a series of activities that encourage professional to student interactions, such as the career fair with company representatives from over 11 engineering establishments. Each year, a different university within our region, hosts this conference. This event successfully brings all our chapters together and is an excellent way to engage at the regional, and national level.

Professional Development
Power Brunch
SHPE at UCR Brunch with Industry is to create an informal and friendly environment for students to interact and network with engineering professionals currently working in industry, engineering entrepreneurs, and company recruiters. The origin of this event begins with members from my chapter being too nervous to approach professionals, even alumni from our own chapter. Brunch with Industry groups student and professional by related fields, such as major and interest in working in certain industries. We will have questions on the table to facilitate conversations between students and professionals. Students will have the opportunity to learn about their own potential in certain fields of work and company representatives will have the opportunity to connect with prime engineering talent.

Academic Development
Study Jams
Group study sessions at the library, with people of all majors to help each other out on homework assignments, to study, or teach material.

Chapter Development
Alumni Mixers
The SHPE Alumni Mixer was implemented to create an environment for SHPE Alumni to reconnect with each other and for current SHPE members to meet their extended SHPE Familia. This provides as networking opportunity for current members and ultimately makes members feel more connected to the overall SHPE National organization.

Outreach/Community Service
Noche de Ciencias
Night of Science to reach out to surrounding communities and inspire students in high school and middle school in realizing their potential to attend college and enter STEM career fields.