Excellence in...
We value excellence in education, professional pursuits and leadership. We obtain excellence through integrity, empowerment, achievement, diversity and continuous improvement.
We serve to...
SHPE serves to lead as a social-technical organization whose primary function is to enhance and achieve the potential of Hispanics in engineering, math and science.
We strive to...
We strive to fulfill our mission by increasing educational opportunities, promoting professional and personal growth, carry out our social responsibility to be involved in education, business and government issues and enhancing pride within our organization and reinforcing our reputation as a vital Hispanic organization.

SHPE has given me the opportunity to help our Hispanic community, from awareness and being able to provided information how to apply for school and
financial aid. I am very grateful that I have my SHPE family and that I was able to help other Hispanics achieve higher education.

It became my family and my support system. I have found mentors that have pushed me to excel in engineering. To me it is extremely important to
give back to my community and to the next generation of engineers. SHPE has made me a better engineer and a better leader.

SHPE is family, and with everyone constantly supporting me I have been able to achieve better grades and have been taking action in helping out
my community with volunteering events.